Message from Club President Graham Brown

Dear Players, Parents and Members,

Hospitality at Wests

Due to the latest COVID-19 restrictions our Club can no longer open its doors for our usual functions and trade.

However the good news is that we will now offer take-a-away and home delivered meals.

These options will be available Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays.

We will publish our menu options each Wednesday.

We can now also provide take-a-away and delivered alcohol with our meals. Please see our Take away menu below.

These are very difficult times and we are now asking all members to support this initiative.

Rugby Season

As you may know Rugby Australia announced last week that our Junior and Senior season has been postponed until the 2nd May.

This includes both training and games across all age groups and formats.

Rugby Australia will now provide weekly updates each Friday and so we will pass on any revised or new information when it is available.

Thanks to all our members and families for your ongoing support in these extraordinary times.


Graham Brown


Wests Bulldogs Rugby Club