9 November 2012
Members of
Western Districts Rugby Union Football Club Limited
ABN: 54 660 437 358
- Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Western Districts Rugby Football Club Limited will be held on Friday 30 November 2012. The meeting will commence at 6.30p.m. in the Clubhouse at Sylvan Rd Toowong and will deal with the following items of business:
1.1 Receive the reports of the Board of Directors.
1.2 Consider and adopt the Accounts for the year ended 30 September 2012.
1.3 As an ordinary resolution, to reappoint the Auditor for the 2012/2013 financial year.
1.4 Such other business as may be raised and dealt with in accordance with the Constitution.
- Copies of the Audited 30 September 2012 Financial Report will be available on request.
- It would be greatly appreciated if Members could advise their attendance or otherwise by Friday, 23 November 2012 to Scott Harrison, 0410 439 604 or sharrison@sec.qld.edu.au.
Tony Buckley Scott Harrison
Chairman of the Board of Directors Company Secretary